Alex Becker Apps

Alex Becker
SHA-PASS lets you have a single masterpassword for every service you use. It's free and totally ad-free,and requires no permissions.Secure: Generated passwords are highly random. Your masterpassword cannot be reverse engineered from any of the passwordsgenerated by the app, so even if one of your services gets hacked,the rest of your passwords are safe. None of your passwords arestored on your device either, so you do not need to change them ifit is lost or stolen.Convenient: You can use the app on multiple devices without anysynchronization--all you need to know is your master password andthe name of the service you want a password for, and it will alwaysgenerate the same password. The app remembers the names of theservices you've generated passwords for, and your preferences forthose passwords (mixed case, symbols, etc.) so you don't have to.It also checks your master password against a stored hash, alertingyou if you mistype it.How it works: As the name suggests, SHA-PASS computes theSHA-256 sum of your master password concatenated with the servicename, represented as a hexadecimal string. It scans through thisstring until it finds a suitable mix of numbers and letters, andthen converts letters to uppercase or symbols as necessary.